
An example training script is provided script in the examples/ folder of the CompressAI source tree.


python3 examples/ -m mbt2018-mean -d /path/to/image/dataset \
    --batch-size 16 -lr 1e-4 --save --cuda

Run –help to list the available options. See also the model zoo training section to reproduce the performances of the pretrained models.

Model update#

Once a model has been trained, you need to run the update_model script to update the internal parameters of the entropy bottlenecks:

python -m compressai.utils.update_model --architecture ARCH checkpoint_best_loss.pth.tar

This will modify the buffers related to the learned cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) required to perform the actual entropy coding.

You can run python -m compressai.utils.update_model --help to get the complete list of options.

Alternatively, you can call the update() method of a CompressionModel or EntropyBottleneck instance at the end of your training script, before saving the model checkpoint.

Model evaluation#

Once a model checkpoint has been updated, you can use eval_model to get its performances on an image dataset:

python -m compressai.utils.eval_model checkpoint /path/to/image/dataset \
    -a ARCH -p path/to/checkpoint-xxxxxxxx.pth.tar

You can run python -m compressai.utils.eval_model --help to get the complete list of options.

Entropy coding#

By default CompressAI uses a range Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS) entropy coder. You can use compressai.available_entropy_coders() to get a list of the implemented entropy coders and change the default entropy coder via compressai.set_entropy_coder().

  1. Compress an image tensor to a bit-stream:

x = torch.rand(1, 3, 64, 64)
y = net.encode(x)
strings = net.entropy_bottleneck.compress(y)
  1. Decompress a bit-stream to an image tensor:

shape = y.size()[2:]
y_hat = net.entropy_bottleneck.decompress(strings, shape)
x_hat = net.decode(y_hat)