Source code for compressai_vision.pipelines.fo_vcm.conversion.sfu_hw_objects_v1

import csv
import glob
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path

import fiftyone as fo

# pick your choice..
# container_format = "y4m"  # yuv @ y4m
container_format = "mp4"  # lossless H264 @ mp4 # USE THIS!
# container_format = "webm" # lossless VP9 @ webm (i.e. matroska/mkv)

classmap = {  # COCO-compatible
    0: "person",
    1: "bicycle",
    2: "car",
    5: "bus",
    7: "truck",
    8: "boat",
    13: "bench",
    17: "horse",
    24: "backpack",
    25: "umbrella",
    26: "handbag",
    27: "tie",
    32: "sports ball",
    41: "cup",
    56: "chair",
    58: "potted plant",
    60: "dining table",
    63: "laptop",
    67: "cell phone",
    74: "clock",
    77: "teddy bear",

[docs]def video_convert(basedir): """Converts video from YUV to lossless RAW@MP4 Assumes this directory structure: :: basedir/ ├── ClassA │ ├── Annotations │ │ ├── PeopleOnStreet [151 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ │ └── Traffic [151 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ ├── PeopleOnStreet_2560x1600_30_crop.yuv │ └── Traffic_2560x1600_30_crop.yuv ├── ClassB │ ├── Annotations │ │ ├── BasketballDrive [501 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ │ ├── BQTerrace [601 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ │ ├── Cactus [501 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ │ ├── Kimono [241 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ │ └── ParkScene [241 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ ├── BasketballDrive_1920x1080_50Hz_8bit_P420.yuv etc. etc. ``` Takes ``ClassA/Annotations/PeopleOnStreet_2560x1600_30_crop.yuv`` and converts it into ``ClassA/Annotations/PeopleOnStreet/video.webm`` at the lossless VP9 format. Same thing for all .yuv files found in the directory tree """ r = re.compile(r"^(.*)\_(\d*)x(\d*)\_(\d*).*\.yuv") print("finding .yuv files from", basedir) foundsome = False for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(basedir, "*", "*.yuv")): foundsome = True # print(path) # /home/sampsa/silo/interdigital/mock2/ClassA/BQTerrace_1920x1080_60Hz_8bit_P420.yuv fname = path.split(os.path.sep)[-1] # BQTerrace_1920x1080_60Hz_8bit_P420.yuv fname.split("_")[0] # BQTerrace # print(fname) m = r.match(fname) lis = m.groups() if len(lis) < 3: raise AssertionError("could not get x,y,fps from " + path) nametag, x, y, fps = lis # BQTerrace 1920 1080 60 x = int(x) y = int(y) fps = int(fps) inpath = os.path.join( os.path.sep.join(path.split(os.path.sep)[0:-1]), "Annotations", nametag ) # /home/sampsa/silo/interdigital/mock2/ClassA/Annotations/BQTerrace assert os.path.exists(inpath), ( "Check your directory structure! Missing path " + inpath ) """media formats that visualize nicely in the browser: container formats: mp4 in particular: """ # print(nametag, x, y, fps, inpath) # -r {fps} ## DON'T USE! if container_format == "webm": output = os.path.join(inpath, "video.webm") # webm (aka matrosk/mkv) accepts vp9, but not raw video st = "ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pixel_format yuv420p -video_size {x}x{y} -i {input} -c:v libvpx-vp9 -lossless 1 {output}".format( x=x, y=y, input=path, output=output ) elif container_format == "mp4": output = os.path.join(inpath, "video.mp4") # lossless H264 @ mp4 .. did this work in the browser or not..? st = "ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pixel_format yuv420p -video_size {x}x{y} -i {input} -an -c:v h264 -q 0 {output}".format( x=x, y=y, input=path, output=output ) # NOTE: raw yuv @ mp4 is not allowed elif container_format == "y4m": # WARNING: does not work output = os.path.join(inpath, "video.y4m") st = "ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pixel_format yuv420p -video_size {x}x{y} -i {input} -an -c:v copy -q 0 {output}".format( x=x, y=y, input=path, output=output ) """ if os.path.exists(output): print( "\nWARNING: converted video file", output, "exists already. Will skip conversion. Remove manually if needed\n", ) else: """ print(st) os.system(st) if not foundsome: print("could not find any .yuv files: check your directory & file structure") print("video conversion done")
[docs]def sfu_txt_files_to_list(basedir): """Looks from basedir for files :: something_NNN.txt where N is an integer. The frame numbering starts from "000". Returns a sorted list of tuples (index, filename), where indexes are taken (correctly) from the filenames. """ p = Path(basedir) lis = [] r = re.compile(r".*\_(\d\d\d)\.txt") for fname in glob.glob(str(p / "*.txt")): # print(fname) m = r.match(fname) try: itxt = except IndexError: print("inconsistent filename", fname) continue ind = int(itxt) # NOTE: index is taken from the filename lis.append((ind, fname)) lis.sort() return lis
[docs]def read_detections(sample, lis): """reads detections into a video sample :param sample: fiftyone.Sample :param lis: a list of tuples with (frame_number, path) the file indicated by path has the following annotations format: class_num, x0, y0, w, h [all in relative coords] :: 0 0.343100 0.912700 0.181200 0.167800 0 0.696700 0.166200 0.120700 0.314900 ... """ for ind, fname in lis: # print("reading", fname) with open(fname, "r") as csvfile: # per frame dets = [] for line in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=" "): # per detection # print(line) n_class, x0, y0, w, h = line n_class = int(n_class) x0 = float(x0) y0 = float(y0) w = float(w) h = float(h) # not top-left but bbox center coords x0 = x0 - w / 2 y0 = y0 - h / 2 label = classmap[n_class] bbox = [x0, y0, w, h] dets.append( fo.Detection(label=label, confidence=1.0, bounding_box=bbox) ) detections = fo.Detections(detections=dets) f = fo.Frame(detections=detections) sample.frames.add_frame( frame=f, frame_number=ind + 1 ) # NOTE: frame numbering starts from 1
# sample.frames.add_frame(frame=f, frame_number=ind+10) # TEST/DEBUG: inducing index mismatch
[docs]def register(dirname, name="sfu-hw-objects-v1"): """Register SFU-HW-Objects-v1 video directory into fiftyone :: ├── ClassA │ ├── Annotations │ ├── PeopleOnStreet / .txt files, video.webm │ └── Traffic / .txt files, video.webm ├── ClassB │ ├── Annotations │ ├── BasketballDrive │ ├── BQTerrace │ ├── Cactus │ ├── Kimono │ └── ParkScene ... ... """ classdirs = os.path.join(dirname, "Class*") print("searching for", classdirs) dirlist = glob.glob(classdirs) if len(dirlist) < 1: print("no directories found, will exit. Check your path") return if name in fo.list_datasets(): print("Dataset", name, "exists. Will remove it first") fo.delete_dataset(name) dataset = fo.Dataset(name) print("Dataset", name, "created") for classdir in dirlist: # /path/to/ClassA print("\nIn class directory", classdir) class_tag = classdir.split(os.path.sep)[-1] # ClassA annotation_dirs = os.path.join(classdir, "Annotations", "*") print("searching for", annotation_dirs) annotation_dirlist = glob.glob(annotation_dirs) if len(annotation_dirlist) < 1: print("no directories found, will exit. Check your directory structure") return for annotations_dir in annotation_dirlist: # /path/to/ClassA/Annotations/PeopleOnStreet name_tag = annotations_dir.split(os.path.sep)[-1] # PeopleOnStreet # filepath=os.path.join(annotations_dir, "video.webm") # filepath=os.path.join(annotations_dir, "video.mp4") filepath = os.path.join(annotations_dir, "video." + container_format) assert os.path.exists(filepath), "file " + filepath + " missing" print("--> registering video", filepath) custom_id = class_tag + "_" + name_tag # metadata=fo.VideoMetadata(frame_width=imWidth, frame_height=imHeight) video_sample = fo.Sample( media_type="video", filepath=filepath, # metadata=metadata, class_tag=class_tag, name_tag=name_tag, custom_id=custom_id, ) # print(annotations_dir, class_tag, name_tag) n_filelist = sfu_txt_files_to_list(annotations_dir) # for n, filename in n_filelist: # print(n, filename) read_detections(video_sample, n_filelist) # video_sample now has the detections dataset.add_sample(video_sample) print( "--> registered new video sample:", class_tag, name_tag, "with", len(n_filelist), "frames", ) dataset.persistent = True print("\nDataset saved")
# print(dataset) """Example usage: :: import fiftyone as fo from fiftyone import ViewField as F import cv2 from compressai_vision.conversion.sfu_hw_objects_v1 import video_convert from compressai_vision.conversion.sfu_hw_objects_v1 import register video_convert("/path/to/sfu_hw_objects_v1") # might take a while! # creates converted files into the directory structure: # ClassA/Annotations/PeopleOnStreets/video.webm # etc. # once that do you can do: register("/path/to/sfu_hw_objects_v1") # it's all in fiftyone! dataset=fo.load_dataset("sfu_hw_objects_v1") # each sample in the dataset corresponds to video: # i.e. SAMPLE = VIDEO sample=dataset.first() print(sample) # each sample has Frame objects -> detections for each frame # i.e. FRAME = BBOXES, etc. print(sample.frames[1]) # accessing different samples, aka videos print(dataset.distinct("filepath")) tmpset=ds[(F("class_tag") == "ClassA") & F("name_tag") == "Traffic"] print(tmpset) # accessing frame images vid=cv2.VideoCapture(sample.filepath) # go to frame number 11 ok = vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 11-1) ok, arr = # BGR image in arr # accessing corresponding detection data: sample.frames[11].detections """