Source code for compressai_vision.codecs.std_codecs

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, InterDigital Communications, Inc
# All rights reserved.

# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer
# below) provided that the following conditions are met:

# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
#   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of InterDigital Communications, Inc nor the names of its
#   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
#   software without specific prior written permission.


import configparser
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import sys
import time
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from compressai_vision.codecs.utils import FpnUtils
from compressai_vision.model_wrappers import BaseWrapper
from compressai_vision.registry import register_codec
from compressai_vision.utils import time_measure
from compressai_vision.utils.dataio import PixelFormat, readwriteYUV
from compressai_vision.utils.external_exec import run_cmdline, run_cmdlines_parallel

from .encdec_utils import *
from .encdec_utils.png_yuv import PngFilesToYuvFileConverter, YuvFileToPngFilesConverter
from .utils import MIN_MAX_DATASET, min_max_inv_normalization, min_max_normalization

def get_filesize(filepath: Union[Path, str]) -> int:
    Get the size of a file in bytes.
        filepath (Union[Path, str]): The path to the file. Can be a string or a Path object.
        int: The size of the file in bytes.
    return Path(filepath).stat().st_size

# TODO (fracape) belongs to somewhere else?
def load_bitstream(path):
    Load a bitstream and return it as a "bytes" object.
        path (str): path to the file containing the bitstream.
        bytes: The loaded bitstream.
    with open(path, "rb") as fd:
        buf = BytesIO(

    return buf.getvalue()

# From VCM-RS Scripts/
def update_cfg_from_ini(ini_file, cfg, section=None):
    current_section = ""
    with open(ini_file, "r") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            line = line.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").strip()
            if line.startswith("#"):
            if line.startswith("["):
                current_section = line.lstrip("[").rstrip("]")
            if section is None or section == current_section:
                pos = line.find("=")
                key = line[0:pos].strip()
                value = line[pos + 1 :].strip()
                cfg[key] = value

# From VCM-RS Scripts/
def get_descriptor_files(data_dir, scenario, cfg, dataset, video_id):
    main_dir = data_dir  # os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(data_dir))
    descriptor_variant = "TemporalResampleRatio4"
    if scenario == "AI_e2e" or scenario == "LD_e2e":
        descriptor_variant = "TemporalResampleOFF"
    descriptor_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, "Descriptors", descriptor_variant, dataset)
    roi_descriptor = os.path.join(descriptor_dir, "ROI", f"{video_id}.txt")
    spatial_descriptor = os.path.join(
        descriptor_dir, "SpatialResample", f"{video_id}.csv"

    return roi_descriptor, spatial_descriptor

[docs]@register_codec("vtm") class VTM(nn.Module): """Encoder/Decoder class for VVC - VTM reference software""" def __init__( self, vision_model: BaseWrapper, dataset: Dict, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.enc_cfgs = kwargs["encoder_config"] self.codec_paths = kwargs["codec_paths"] self.parallel_encoding = self.enc_cfgs["parallel_encoding"] # parallel option self.hash_check = self.enc_cfgs["hash_check"] # md5 hash check self.stash_outputs = self.enc_cfgs["stash_outputs"] check_list_of_paths = self.get_check_list_of_paths() if self.parallel_encoding: # miminum check_list_of_paths.append(self.parcat_path) for file_path in check_list_of_paths: if not file_path.is_file(): raise ValueError( f"Could not find path {file_path}. Consider specifying " "++codec.codec_paths._root='/local/path/vtm-12.0'." ) self.qp = self.enc_cfgs["qp"] self.eval_encode = kwargs["eval_encode"] self.dump = kwargs["dump"] self.fpn_sizes_json_dump = self.dump["fpn_sizes_json_dump"] self.vision_model = vision_model self.datacatalog = dataset.datacatalog self.dataset_name = dataset.config["dataset_name"] if self.datacatalog in MIN_MAX_DATASET: self.min_max_dataset = MIN_MAX_DATASET[self.datacatalog] elif self.dataset_name in MIN_MAX_DATASET: self.min_max_dataset = MIN_MAX_DATASET[self.dataset_name] else: raise ValueError("dataset not recognized for normalization") self.yuvio = readwriteYUV(device="cpu", format=PixelFormat.YUV400_10le) self.intra_period = self.enc_cfgs["intra_period"] self.frame_rate = 1 if not self.datacatalog == "MPEGOIV6": config = configparser.ConfigParser()"{dataset['config']['root']}/{dataset['config']['seqinfo']}") self.frame_rate = config["Sequence"]["frameRate"] self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.verbosity = kwargs["verbosity"] self.ffmpeg_loglevel = "error" logging_level = logging.WARN if self.verbosity == 1: logging_level = logging.INFO if self.verbosity >= 2: logging_level = logging.DEBUG self.ffmpeg_loglevel = "debug" self.logger.setLevel(logging_level) self.convert_input_to_yuv = PngFilesToYuvFileConverter( chroma_format=self.enc_cfgs["chroma_format"], input_bitdepth=self.enc_cfgs["input_bitdepth"], frame_rate=self.frame_rate, ffmpeg_loglevel=self.ffmpeg_loglevel, logger=self.logger, ) self.convert_yuv_to_pngs = YuvFileToPngFilesConverter( datacatalog=self.datacatalog, logger=self.logger, ) self.fpn_utils = FpnUtils() self.reset()
[docs] def get_check_list_of_paths(self): self.encoder_path = Path(self.codec_paths["encoder_exe"]) self.decoder_path = Path(self.codec_paths["decoder_exe"]) self.cfg_file = Path(self.codec_paths["cfg_file"]) self.parcat_path = Path(self.codec_paths["parcat_exe"]) # optional return [self.encoder_path, self.decoder_path, self.cfg_file]
# can be added to base class (if inherited) | Should we inherit from the base codec? @property def qp_value(self): return self.qp # can be added to base class (if inherited) | Should we inherit from the base codec? @property def eval_encode_type(self): return self.eval_encode def __del__(self): self.close_bitstream_file()
[docs] def reset(self): self._header_writer = HeaderWriter() self._header_reader = HeaderReader() self._frame_info_buffer = [] self._temp_io_buffer = BytesIO() self._bitstream_fd = None
[docs] def open_bitstream_file(self, path, mode="rb"): self._bitstream_fd = open(path, mode) return self._bitstream_fd
[docs] def close_bitstream_file(self): if self._bitstream_fd is not None: self._bitstream_fd.flush() self._bitstream_fd.close() self._bitstream_fd = None
[docs] def get_encode_cmd( self, inp_yuv_path: Path, qp: int, bitstream_path: Path, width: int, height: int, nb_frames: int = 1, parallel_encoding: bool = False, hash_check: int = 0, chroma_format: str = "400", input_bitdepth: int = 10, output_bitdepth: int = 0, ) -> List[Any]: """ Generates the command to encode a video file using VTM software. Args: inp_yuv_path (Path): The path to the input YUV file. qp (int): The quantization parameter. bitstream_path (Path): The path to the output bitstream file. width (int): The width of the video. height (int): The height of the video. nb_frames (int, optional): The number of frames in the video. Defaults to 1. parallel_encoding (bool, optional): Whether to perform parallel encoding. Defaults to False. hash_check (int, optional): The hash check value. Defaults to 0. chroma_format (str, optional): The chroma format of the video. Defaults to "400". input_bitdepth (int, optional): The bit depth of the input video. Defaults to 10. output_bitdepth (int, optional): The bit depth of the output video. Defaults to 0. Returns: List[Any]: the command line as a list. """ level = 5.1 if nb_frames > 1 else 6.2 # according to MPEG's anchor if output_bitdepth == 0: output_bitdepth = input_bitdepth decodingRefreshType = 1 if self.intra_period >= 1 else 0 base_cmd = [ self.encoder_path, "-i", inp_yuv_path, "-c", self.cfg_file, "-q", qp, "-o", "/dev/null", "-wdt", width, "-hgt", height, "-fr", self.frame_rate, "-ts", # temporal subsampling to prevent default period of 8 in all intra "1", "-v", "6", f"--Level={level}", f"--IntraPeriod={self.intra_period}", f"--InputChromaFormat={chroma_format}", f"--InputBitDepth={input_bitdepth}", f"--InternalBitDepth={output_bitdepth}", "--ConformanceWindowMode=1", # needed? "-dph", # md5 has, hash_check, f"--DecodingRefreshType={decodingRefreshType}", ] if parallel_encoding is False or nb_frames <= self.intra_period + 1: # No need for parallel encoding. cmd = [ *base_cmd, f"--BitstreamFile={bitstream_path}", f"--FramesToBeEncoded={nb_frames}", ] cmd = [str(x) for x in cmd] self.logger.debug(cmd) cmds = [cmd] else: cmds = self._parallel_encode_cmd(base_cmd, bitstream_path, nb_frames) return cmds
def _parallel_encode_cmd( self, base_cmd: List, bitstream_path: Path, nb_frames: int ): num_workers = round((nb_frames / self.intra_period) + 0.5) frame_offsets, frame_counts = _distribute_parallel_work( nb_frames, num_workers, self.intra_period ) bitstream_path = Path(bitstream_path) cmds = [] assert num_workers < 10**3 # Due to the string formatting below. for worker_idx, (frameSkip, framesToBeEncoded) in enumerate( zip(frame_offsets, frame_counts) ): worker_bitstream_path = ( f"{bitstream_path.parent}/" f"{bitstream_path.stem}-part-{worker_idx:03d}{bitstream_path.suffix}" ) cmd = [ *base_cmd, f"--BitstreamFile={worker_bitstream_path}", f"--FrameSkip={frameSkip}", f"--FramesToBeEncoded={framesToBeEncoded}", ] cmd = [str(x) for x in cmd] self.logger.debug(cmd) cmds.append(cmd) return cmds
[docs] def get_parcat_cmd( self, bitstream_path: Path, ) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Path]]: """ Returns a list of commands and bitstream lists needed to concatenate bitstream files. Args: bitstream_path (Path): The path to the bitstream file. Returns: Tuple[List[Any], List[Path]]: the command to concatenate the bitstream files in the folder. """ bp = Path(bitstream_path) bitstream_lists = sorted(bp.parent.glob(f"{bp.stem}-part-*{bp.suffix}")) cmd = [self.parcat_path, *bitstream_lists, bitstream_path] cmd = [str(x) for x in cmd] self.logger.debug(cmd) return cmd, bitstream_lists
[docs] def get_decode_cmd( self, yuv_dec_path: Path, bitstream_path: Path, output_bitdepth: int = 10 ) -> List[Any]: """ Get command line for decoding a video bitstream with an external VTM decoder. Args: yuv_dec_path (Path): The path to the output YUV file. bitstream_path (Path): The path to the video bitstream file. output_bitdepth (int, optional): The bitdepth of the output YUV file. Defaults to 10. Returns: List[Any]: command line arguments for decoding the video bitstream. """ cmd = [ f"{self.decoder_path}", "-b", f"{bitstream_path}", "-o", f"{yuv_dec_path}", "-d", f"{output_bitdepth}", ] self.logger.debug(cmd) return cmd
[docs] def encode( self, x: Dict, codec_output_dir, bitstream_name, file_prefix: str = "", remote_inference=False, ) -> Dict: """ Encodes the input data. Args: x (Dict): The input data to be encoded. codec_output_dir (str): The directory where the output bitstream will be saved. bitstream_name (str): The name of the output bitstream. file_prefix (str, optional): The prefix to be added to the output file name. Defaults to "". remote_inference (bool, optional): Indicates if the encoding is done remotely. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the bytes per frame and the path to the output bitstream. """ self.reset() input_bitdepth = self.enc_cfgs["input_bitdepth"] output_bitdepth = self.enc_cfgs["output_bitdepth"] if file_prefix == "": file_prefix = f"{codec_output_dir}/{bitstream_name}" else: file_prefix = f"{codec_output_dir}/{bitstream_name}-{file_prefix}" print(f"\n-- encoding {file_prefix}", file=sys.stdout) # Conversion: reshape data to yuv domain (e.g. 420 or 400) if remote_inference: start = time.time() (yuv_in_path, nb_frames, frame_width, frame_height, file_prefix) = ( self.convert_input_to_yuv(input=x, file_prefix=file_prefix) ) conversion_time = time.time() - start self.logger.debug(f"conversion time:{conversion_time}") else: start = time.time() frames = self.fpn_utils.reshape_feature_pyramid_to_frame( x["data"], packing_all_in_one=True ) # Generate json files with fpn sizes for the decoder # manually activate the following and run in encode_only mode if self.fpn_sizes_json_dump: self.dump_fpn_sizes_json(file_prefix, bitstream_name, codec_output_dir) # normalization wrt to the bitdepth of the input to VTM minv, maxv = self.min_max_dataset frames, mid_level = min_max_normalization( frames, minv, maxv, bitdepth=input_bitdepth ) num_frames, *_ = frames.shape # Same minv, maxv for all frames. for _ in range(num_frames): frame_info = { "minv": minv, "maxv": maxv, } self._frame_info_buffer.append(frame_info) conversion_time = time.time() - start self.logger.debug(f"conversion time:{conversion_time}") nb_frames, frame_height, frame_width = frames.size() input_bitdepth = self.enc_cfgs["input_bitdepth"] chroma_format = self.enc_cfgs["chroma_format"] file_prefix = f"{file_prefix}_{frame_width}x{frame_height}_{self.frame_rate }fps_{input_bitdepth}bit_p{chroma_format}" yuv_in_path = f"{file_prefix}_input.yuv" self.yuvio.setWriter( write_path=yuv_in_path, frmWidth=frame_width, frmHeight=frame_height, ) for frame in frames: self.yuvio.write_one_frame(frame, mid_level=mid_level) bitstream_path = Path(f"{file_prefix}.bin") logpath = Path(f"{file_prefix}_enc.log") cmds = self.get_encode_cmd( yuv_in_path, width=frame_width, height=frame_height, qp=self.qp, bitstream_path=bitstream_path, nb_frames=nb_frames, chroma_format=self.enc_cfgs["chroma_format"], input_bitdepth=self.enc_cfgs["input_bitdepth"], output_bitdepth=self.enc_cfgs["output_bitdepth"], parallel_encoding=self.parallel_encoding, hash_check=self.hash_check, ) start = time.time() if len(cmds) > 1: # post parallel encoding run_cmdlines_parallel(cmds, logpath=logpath) else: run_cmdline(cmds[0], logpath=logpath) enc_time = time.time() - start self.logger.debug(f"enc_time:{enc_time}") if len(cmds) > 1: # post parallel encoding cmd, list_of_bitstreams = self.get_parcat_cmd(bitstream_path) run_cmdline(cmd) if self.stash_outputs: for partial in list_of_bitstreams: Path(partial).unlink() assert Path( bitstream_path ).is_file(), f"bitstream {bitstream_path} was not created" if not remote_inference: inner_codec_bitstream = load_bitstream(bitstream_path) sequence_info = { "bitdepth": output_bitdepth, "frame_size": (frame_height, frame_width), "num_frames": nb_frames, } assert sequence_info["num_frames"] == len(self._frame_info_buffer) # Bistream header to make bitstream self-decodable fd = self._temp_io_buffer self._header_writer.write_sequence_info(fd, sequence_info) for frame_info in self._frame_info_buffer: self._header_writer.write_frame_info(fd, frame_info) pre_info_bitstream = self.get_io_buffer_contents() bitstream = pre_info_bitstream + inner_codec_bitstream with open(bitstream_path, "wb") as fw: fw.write(bitstream) if not self.dump["dump_yuv_input"]: Path(yuv_in_path).unlink() # to be compatible with the pipelines # per frame bits can be collected by parsing enc log to be more accurate avg_bytes_per_frame = get_filesize(bitstream_path) / nb_frames all_bytes_per_frame = [avg_bytes_per_frame] * nb_frames output = { "bytes": all_bytes_per_frame, "bitstream": str(bitstream_path), } enc_times = { "video": enc_time, "conversion": conversion_time, } mac_calculations = None # no NN-related complexity calculation with std codecs return output, enc_times, mac_calculations
[docs] def decode( self, bitstream_path: Path = None, codec_output_dir: str = "", file_prefix: str = "", org_img_size: Dict = None, remote_inference=False, vcm_mode=False, ) -> Dict: """ Decodes the bitstream and returns the output features . Args: bitstream_path (Path): The path to the bitstream file. codec_output_dir (str): The directory to store codec output. file_prefix (str): The prefix for the output files. org_img_size (Dict): The original image size. remote_inference (bool): Specifies if the remote inference pipeline is used. Returns: Dict: The dictionary of output features. """ self.reset() bitstream_path = Path(bitstream_path) assert bitstream_path.is_file() output_file_prefix = bitstream_path.stem dec_path = codec_output_dir / "dec" dec_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logpath = Path(f"{dec_path}/{output_file_prefix}_dec.log") yuv_dec_path = Path(f"{dec_path}/{output_file_prefix}_dec.yuv") print(f"\n-- decoding ${output_file_prefix}", file=sys.stdout) if remote_inference: # remote inference pipeline yuv_dec_path = f"{dec_path}/{output_file_prefix}_dec.yuv" if vcm_mode: yuv_dec_path = yuv_dec_path.replace("8bit", "10bit") bitdepth = get_raw_video_file_info(yuv_dec_path.split("qp")[-1])["bitdepth"] cmd = self.get_decode_cmd( bitstream_path=bitstream_path, yuv_dec_path=yuv_dec_path, output_bitdepth=bitdepth, ) self.logger.debug(cmd) start = time_measure() run_cmdline(cmd, logpath=logpath) dec_time = time_measure() - start self.logger.debug(f"dec_time:{dec_time}") self.convert_yuv_to_pngs( output_file_prefix, dec_path, yuv_dec_path, org_img_size=org_img_size, vcm_mode=vcm_mode, ) # output the list of file paths for each frame rec_frames = [] if file_prefix == "": # Video pipeline for file_path in sorted(dec_path.glob("*.png")): rec_frames.append(str(file_path)) # expecting the length of rec_frames are greather than 1 else: # Image pipeline for file_path in sorted(Path(dec_path).glob(f"*{file_prefix}*.png")): rec_frames.append(str(file_path)) assert ( file_prefix in rec_frames[0] ), f"Can't find a correct filename with {file_prefix} in {dec_path}" assert ( len(rec_frames) == 1 ), f"Number of retrieved file must be 1, but got {len(rec_frames)}" conversion_time = 0 output = {"file_names": rec_frames} else: # split inference pipeline del org_img_size # not needed in this pipeline bitstream_path_tmp = f"{codec_output_dir}/{output_file_prefix}_tmp.bin" bitstream_fd = self.open_bitstream_file(bitstream_path, "rb") # read header bitstream header sequence_info = self._header_reader.read_sequence_info(bitstream_fd) frame_infos = [ self._header_reader.read_frame_info(bitstream_fd) for _ in range(sequence_info["num_frames"]) ] bitdepth = sequence_info["bitdepth"] frame_height, frame_width = sequence_info["frame_size"] # we need this to read the std codec part of the bitstream with open(bitstream_path_tmp, "wb") as fw: fw.write( fw.flush() cmd = self.get_decode_cmd( bitstream_path=bitstream_path_tmp, yuv_dec_path=yuv_dec_path, output_bitdepth=bitdepth, ) self.logger.debug(cmd) start = time_measure() run_cmdline(cmd, logpath=logpath) dec_time = time_measure() - start self.logger.debug(f"dec_time:{dec_time}") self.yuvio.setReader( read_path=str(yuv_dec_path), frmWidth=frame_width, frmHeight=frame_height, ) # TODO (fracape) expects raw yuv400 coded on 8 or 16 bit factor = int((bitdepth + 7) / 8) nb_frames = get_filesize(yuv_dec_path) // ( frame_width * frame_height * factor ) rec_frames = [] for i in range(nb_frames): rec_yuv = self.yuvio.read_one_frame(i) rec_frames.append(rec_yuv) rec_frames = torch.stack(rec_frames) start = time_measure() minv, maxv = self.min_max_dataset tol = dict(rel_tol=1e-4, abs_tol=1e-4) assert all( math.isclose(frame_info["minv"], minv, **tol) and math.isclose(frame_info["maxv"], maxv, **tol) for frame_info in frame_infos ) rec_frames = min_max_inv_normalization(rec_frames, minv, maxv, bitdepth=10) # (fracape) should feature sizes be part of bitstream? thisdir = Path(__file__).parent if self.datacatalog == "MPEGOIV6": fpn_sizes = thisdir.joinpath( f"../../data/mpeg-fcm/{self.datacatalog}/fpn-sizes/{self.dataset_name}/{file_prefix}.json" ) else: fpn_sizes = thisdir.joinpath( f"../../data/mpeg-fcm/{self.datacatalog}/fpn-sizes/{self.dataset_name}.json" ) with"r") as f: try: json_dict = json.load(f) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err: print(f'Error reading file "{fpn_sizes}"') raise err features = self.fpn_utils.reshape_frame_to_feature_pyramid( rec_frames, json_dict["fpn"], json_dict["subframe_heights"], packing_all_in_one=True, ) conversion_time = time_measure() - start self.logger.debug(f"conversion_time:{conversion_time}") if not self.dump["dump_yuv_packing_dec"]: yuv_dec_path.unlink() if self.stash_outputs: Path(bitstream_path_tmp).unlink() output = {"data": features} dec_times = { "video": dec_time, "conversion": conversion_time, } mac_calculations = None # no NN-related complexity calculation with std codecs return output, dec_times, mac_calculations
[docs] def get_io_buffer_contents(self): return self._temp_io_buffer.getvalue()
[docs]@register_codec("hm") class HM(VTM): """Encoder / Decoder class for HEVC - HM reference software""" def __init__( self, vision_model: BaseWrapper, dataset: Dict, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(vision_model, dataset, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_encode_cmd( self, inp_yuv_path: Path, qp: int, bitstream_path: Path, width: int, height: int, nb_frames: int = 1, parallel_encoding: bool = False, hash_check: int = 0, chroma_format: str = "400", input_bitdepth: int = 10, output_bitdepth: int = 0, ) -> List[Any]: """ Generates the command to encode a video using the specified parameters. Args: inp_yuv_path (Path): The path to the input YUV file. qp (int): The quantization parameter. bitstream_path (Path): The path to the output bitstream file. width (int): The width of the video. height (int): The height of the video. nb_frames (int, optional): The number of frames in the video. Defaults to 1. parallel_encoding (bool, optional): Whether to enable parallel encoding. Defaults to False. hash_check (int, optional): The hash check value. Defaults to 0. chroma_format (str, optional): The chroma format of the video. Defaults to "400". input_bitdepth (int, optional): The bitdepth of the input video. Defaults to 10. output_bitdepth (int, optional): The bitdepth of the output video. Defaults to 0. Returns: List[Any]: commands line to encode the video. """ level = 5.1 if nb_frames > 1 else 6.2 # according to MPEG's anchor if output_bitdepth == 0: output_bitdepth = input_bitdepth decodingRefreshType = 1 if self.intra_period >= 1 else 0 base_cmd = [ self.encoder_path, "-i", inp_yuv_path, "-c", self.cfg_file, "-q", qp, "-o", "/dev/null", "-wdt", width, "-hgt", height, "-fr", self.frame_rate, "-ts", # temporal subsampling to prevent default period of 8 in all intra "1", f"--Level={level}", f"--IntraPeriod={self.intra_period}", f"--InputChromaFormat={chroma_format}", f"--InputBitDepth={input_bitdepth}", f"--InternalBitDepth={output_bitdepth}", "--ConformanceWindowMode=1", # needed? f"--DecodingRefreshType={decodingRefreshType}", ] if parallel_encoding is False or nb_frames <= self.intra_period + 1: # No need for parallel encoding. base_cmd.append(f"--BitstreamFile={bitstream_path}") base_cmd.append(f"--FramesToBeEncoded={nb_frames}") cmd = list(map(str, base_cmd)) self.logger.debug(cmd) cmds = [cmd] else: cmds = self._parallel_encode_cmd(base_cmd, bitstream_path, nb_frames) return cmds
@register_codec("jm") class JM(VTM): """Encoder / Decoder class for AVC - JM reference software""" def __init__( self, vision_model: BaseWrapper, dataset: Dict, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(vision_model, dataset, **kwargs) self.default_cfg_file = Path(kwargs["codec_paths"]["default_cfg_file"]) def get_encode_cmd( self, inp_yuv_path: Path, qp: int, bitstream_path: Path, width: int, height: int, nb_frames: int = 1, parallel_encoding: bool = False, hash_check: int = 0, chroma_format: str = "400", input_bitdepth: int = 10, output_bitdepth: int = 0, ) -> List[Any]: """ Generates the command to encode a video using the specified parameters. Args: inp_yuv_path (Path): The path to the input YUV file. qp (int): The quantization parameter. bitstream_path (Path): The path to the output bitstream file. width (int): The width of the video. height (int): The height of the video. nb_frames (int, optional): The number of frames in the video. Defaults to 1. parallel_encoding (bool, optional): Whether to enable parallel encoding. Defaults to False. hash_check (int, optional): The hash check value. Defaults to 0. chroma_format (str, optional): The chroma format of the video. Defaults to "400". input_bitdepth (int, optional): The bitdepth of the input video. Defaults to 10. output_bitdepth (int, optional): The bitdepth of the output video. Defaults to 0. Returns: List[Any]: commands line to encode the video. """ assert parallel_encoding == False, "JM does not support parallel coding" level = 62 # enable large frames if output_bitdepth == 0: output_bitdepth = input_bitdepth # decodingRefreshType = 1 if self.intra_period >= 1 else 0 cmd = [ self.encoder_path, "-d", self.default_cfg_file, "-f", self.cfg_file, "-p", f"InputFile={inp_yuv_path}", "-p", f"QPISlice={qp}", "-p", f"QPPSlice={qp}", "-p", f"QPBSlice={qp}", "-p", f"SourceWidth={width}", "-p", f"OutputWidth={width}", "-p", f"SourceHeight={height}", "-p", f"OutputHeight={height}", "-p", f"FrameRate={self.frame_rate}", "-p", f"IntraPeriod={self.intra_period}", "-p", "YUVFormat=0", "-p", f"SourceBitDepthLuma={output_bitdepth}", "-p", "ChromaWeightSupport=0", "-p", f"OutputFile={bitstream_path}", "-p", f"FramesToBeEncoded={nb_frames}", "-p", f"LevelIDC={level}", ] cmd = list(map(str, cmd)) self.logger.debug(cmd) return [cmd] def get_decode_cmd( self, yuv_dec_path: Path, bitstream_path: Path, output_bitdepth=None ) -> List[Any]: del output_bitdepth cmd = [ f"{self.decoder_path}", "-p", f"InputFile={bitstream_path}", "-p", f"OutputFile={yuv_dec_path}", "-p", "WriteUV=0", ] self.logger.debug(cmd) return cmd
[docs]@register_codec("vvenc") class VVENC(VTM): """Encoder / Decoder class for VVC - vvenc/vvdec software""" def __init__( self, vision_model: BaseWrapper, dataset_name: "str" = "", **kwargs, ): super().__init__(vision_model, dataset_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_encode_cmd( self, inp_yuv_path: Path, qp: int, bitstream_path: Path, width: int, height: int, nb_frames: int = 1, ) -> List[Any]: """ Generate a command to encode a YUV video file using VVENCs. Args: inp_yuv_path (Path): The path to the input YUV video file. qp (int): The quantization parameter for the encoding process. bitstream_path (Path): The path to save the encoded bitstream. width (int): The width of the video frame. height (int): The height of the video frame. nb_frames (int, optional): The number of frames to encode (default is 1). Returns: List[Any]: A list of strings representing the encoding command. """ cmd = [ self.encoder_path, "-i", inp_yuv_path, "-q", qp, "--output", bitstream_path, "--size", f"{width}x{height}", "--framerate", self.frame_rate, "--frames", nb_frames, "--format", "yuv420_10", "--preset", "fast", ] return list(map(str, cmd))
@register_codec("vcmrs") class VCMRS(VTM): """Encoder / Decoder class for VCM-RS""" def __init__( self, vision_model: BaseWrapper, dataset: Dict, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(vision_model, dataset, **kwargs) self.use_descriptors = True self.tmp_dir = Path(self.codec_paths["tmp_dir"]) def get_check_list_of_paths(self): self.cfg_file = Path(self.codec_paths["cfg_file"]) return [self.cfg_file] def get_encode_cmd( self, inp_yuv_path: Path, qp: int, bitstream_path: Path, width: int, height: int, nb_frames: int = 1, parallel_encoding: bool = False, hash_check: int = 0, chroma_format: str = "400", input_bitdepth: int = 8, output_bitdepth: int = 0, ) -> List[Any]: """ Generate a command to encode a YUV video file using VVENCs. Args: inp_yuv_path (Path): The path to the input YUV video file. qp (int): The quantization parameter for the encoding process. bitstream_path (Path): The path to save the encoded bitstream. width (int): The width of the video frame. height (int): The height of the video frame. nb_frames (int, optional): The number of frames to encode (default is 1). Returns: List[Any]: A list of strings representing the encoding command. """ config = self.enc_cfgs["config"] nn_intra_qp_offset = -5 # self.enc_cfgs["nn_intra_qp_offset"] seq_roi_cfg_network = self.enc_cfgs["seq_roi_cfg_network"] output_dir = os.path.dirname(str(bitstream_path)) recon_fname = str(bitstream_path).replace(".bin", ".yuv") num_workers = 1 assert chroma_format == "420" cfg = { "SourceWidth": width, "SourceHeight": height, "FrameRate": self.frame_rate, "IntraPeriod": self.intra_period, "quality": qp, "NNIntraQPOffset": nn_intra_qp_offset, "working_dir": os.path.join(output_dir, "working_dir"), # self.tmp_dir, "output_dir": output_dir, "output_bitstream_fname": bitstream_path, "output_recon_fname": recon_fname, "InputBitDepth": input_bitdepth, "InputChromaFormat": chroma_format, "InnerCodec": "VTM", "num_workers": num_workers, "RoIGenerationNetwork": seq_roi_cfg_network, "SpatialDescriptorMode": "UsingDescriptor", # FramesToBeEncoded" : nb_frames, # "Configuration" : config, # "input_files", } descriptor_dir = Path(self.cfg_file).parent.parent update_cfg_from_ini(self.cfg_file, cfg) items = str(bitstream_path).split("/") dataset = { "SFUHW": "SFU", "MPEGTVDTRACKING": "TVD", }[items[-5]] sequence = items[-4] for remove in ["sfu-hw-", "_val", "mpeg-"]: sequence = sequence.replace(remove, "") if dataset == "TVD": sequence = sequence[:-2] + "_" + sequence[-1] roi_descriptor, spatial_descriptor = get_descriptor_files( descriptor_dir, config, None, dataset, sequence ) cfg.update( { "RoIDescriptor": roi_descriptor, "SpatialDescriptor": spatial_descriptor, } ) cmd = [ sys.executable, "-m", "vcmrs.encoder", "--single_chunk", "--directory_as_video", "--debug_source_checksum", ] for c in cfg.keys(): cmd.append("--" + c) cmd.append(str(cfg[c])) cmd.append(inp_yuv_path) cmd = list(map(str, cmd)) return [cmd] def get_decode_cmd( self, yuv_dec_path: Path, bitstream_path: Path, output_bitdepth: int = 10 ) -> List[Any]: """ Get command line for decoding a video bitstream with an external VTM decoder. Args: yuv_dec_path (Path): The path to the output YUV file. bitstream_path (Path): The path to the video bitstream file. output_bitdepth (int, optional): The bitdepth of the output YUV file. Defaults to 10. Returns: List[Any]: command line arguments for decoding the video bitstream. """ assert yuv_dec_path.endswith(".yuv") output_dir = os.path.dirname(str(bitstream_path)) cmd = [ sys.executable, "-m", "vcmrs.decoder", bitstream_path, "--working_dir", os.path.join(output_dir, "working_dir"), # self.tmp_dir, "--InnerCodec", "VTM", "--output_recon_fname", yuv_dec_path[:-4], # Drop .yuv as VCM-RS will add this. # "-d", # output_bitdepth, ] cmd = list(map(str, cmd)) self.logger.debug(cmd) return cmd class HeaderWriter: def __init__(self): pass def write_sequence_info(self, fd, sequence_info): expected_keys = [ "bitdepth", "frame_size", "num_frames", ] assert set(sequence_info.keys()) == set(expected_keys), sequence_info.keys() return sum( [ write_uchars(fd, (sequence_info["bitdepth"],)), write_uints(fd, sequence_info["frame_size"]), write_uints(fd, (sequence_info["num_frames"],)), ] ) def write_frame_info(self, fd, frame_info): expected_keys = [ "minv", "maxv", ] assert set(frame_info.keys()) == set(expected_keys) return sum( [ write_float32(fd, (frame_info["minv"],)), write_float32(fd, (frame_info["maxv"],)), ] ) class HeaderReader: def __init__(self): self._sequence_info = None self._num_frames_read = 0 def read_sequence_info(self, fd): [bitdepth] = read_uchars(fd, 1) frame_size = read_uints(fd, 2) [num_frames] = read_uints(fd, 1) sequence_info = { "bitdepth": bitdepth, "frame_size": frame_size, "num_frames": num_frames, } self._sequence_info = sequence_info return sequence_info def read_frame_info(self, fd): frame_id = self._num_frames_read [minv] = read_float32(fd, 1) [maxv] = read_float32(fd, 1) frame_info = { "frame_id": frame_id, "minv": minv, "maxv": maxv, } self._num_frames_read += 1 return frame_info def _distribute_parallel_work(num_frames: int, num_workers: int, intra_period: int): """Distributes frame encoding work. worker[i] is to be assigned frames in the interval [offsets[i], offsets[i] + counts[i]). """ offsets = [] counts = [] offset = 0 num_remaining = num_frames # WARN: Current implementation assumes one worker per intra period. # assert num_workers == num_frames // intra_period for _ in range(num_workers): assert num_remaining > 0 # NOTE: The first and last frames must both be intra-frames, hence the +1. count = min(intra_period + 1, num_remaining) offsets.append(offset) counts.append(count) offset += intra_period num_remaining -= intra_period assert offsets[-1] + counts[-1] == num_frames return offsets, counts